Transform all the date ranges together as a set to produce a new set of date ranges. Ranges separated by a gap of at least min.gapwidth days are not merged.

reduce(df, begin, end, ..., agg_cols = NULL, agg = "sum", min.gapwidth = 5)





name of column df with begin dates


name of column in df with end dates


names of columns in df used to group date ranges by


list with columns in df to aggregate by (defaults to NULL)


aggregation type (defaults to "sum")


ranges separated by a gap of at least min.gapwidth days are not merged. Defaults to 5.


An object of class "reduce". The function summary is used to obtain and print a summary of the results. An object of class "reduce" is a list usually containing at least the following elements:


data frame with reduced time periods


name of column in df with begin dates


name of column in df with end dates


names of columns in df used to group date ranges by


This function is adopted from IRanges::reduce().


Martin Haringa


portfolio <- structure(list(policy_nr = c("12345", "12345", "12345", "12345",
"12345", "12345", "12345", "12345", "12345", "12345", "12345"),
productgroup = c("fire", "fire", "fire", "fire", "fire", "fire",
"fire", "fire", "fire", "fire", "fire"), product = c("contents",
"contents", "contents", "contents", "contents", "contents", "contents",
"contents", "contents", "contents", "contents"),
begin_dat = structure(c(16709,16740, 16801, 17410, 17440, 17805, 17897,
17956, 17987, 18017, 18262), class = "Date"),
end_dat = structure(c(16739, 16800, 16831, 17439, 17531, 17896, 17955,
17986, 18016, 18261, 18292), class = "Date"),
premium = c(89L, 58L, 83L, 73L, 69L, 94L, 91L, 97L, 57L, 65L, 55L)),
row.names = c(NA, -11L), class = "data.frame")

# Merge periods
pt1 <- reduce(portfolio, begin = begin_dat, end = end_dat, policy_nr,
    productgroup, product, min.gapwidth = 5)

# Aggregate per period
summary(pt1, period = "days", policy_nr, productgroup, product)
#>         date type count policy_nr productgroup  product
#> 1 2020-02-01  out     1     12345         fire contents
#> 2 2018-10-01   in     1     12345         fire contents
#> 3 2018-01-01  out     1     12345         fire contents
#> 4 2017-09-01   in     1     12345         fire contents
#> 5 2016-02-01  out     1     12345         fire contents
#> 6 2015-10-01   in     1     12345         fire contents

# Merge periods and sum premium per period
pt2 <- reduce(portfolio, begin = begin_dat, end = end_dat, policy_nr,
    productgroup, product, agg_cols = list(premium), min.gapwidth = 5)

# Create summary with aggregation per week
summary(pt2, period = "weeks", policy_nr, productgroup, product)
#>      week type count policy_nr productgroup  product
#> 1 2020W06  out     1     12345         fire contents
#> 2 2018W40   in     1     12345         fire contents
#> 3 2018W02  out     1     12345         fire contents
#> 4 2017W35   in     1     12345         fire contents
#> 5 2016W06  out     1     12345         fire contents
#> 6 2015W40   in     1     12345         fire contents