Fast overlap joins. Usually, df is a very large data.table (e.g. insurance portfolio) with small interval ranges, and dates is much smaller with (e.g.) claim dates.

  nomatch = NULL,
  mult = "all"



data.frame with portfolio (df should include time period)


data.frame with dates to join


column name with begin dates of time period in df


column name with end dates of time period in df


column name with dates in dates


additional column names in dates to join by


When a row (with interval say, [a,b]) in x has no match in y, nomatch=NA means NA is returned for y's non-by.y columns for that row of x. nomatch=NULL (default) means no rows will be returned for that row of x.


When multiple rows in y match to the row in x, mult controls which values are returned - "all" (default), "first" or "last".


returned class is equal to class of df


Martin Haringa


portfolio <- data.frame(
begin1 = ymd(c("2014-01-01", "2014-01-01")),
end = ymd(c("2014-03-14", "2014-05-10")),
termination = ymd(c("2014-03-14", "2014-05-10")),
exposure = c(0.2025, 0.3583),
premium =  c(125, 150),
car_type = c("BMW", "TESLA"))

## Find active rows on different dates
dates0 <- data.frame(active_date = seq(ymd("2014-01-01"), ymd("2014-05-01"),
by = "months"))
rows_per_date(portfolio, dates0, df_begin = begin1, df_end = end,
dates_date = active_date)
#>       begin1        end termination exposure premium car_type index_df
#> 1 2014-01-01 2014-03-14  2014-03-14   0.2025     125      BMW        1
#> 2 2014-01-01 2014-05-10  2014-05-10   0.3583     150    TESLA        2
#> 3 2014-01-01 2014-03-14  2014-03-14   0.2025     125      BMW        1
#> 4 2014-01-01 2014-05-10  2014-05-10   0.3583     150    TESLA        2
#> 5 2014-01-01 2014-03-14  2014-03-14   0.2025     125      BMW        1
#> 6 2014-01-01 2014-05-10  2014-05-10   0.3583     150    TESLA        2
#> 7 2014-01-01 2014-05-10  2014-05-10   0.3583     150    TESLA        2
#> 8 2014-01-01 2014-05-10  2014-05-10   0.3583     150    TESLA        2
#>   active_date index_dates
#> 1  2014-01-01           1
#> 2  2014-01-01           1
#> 3  2014-02-01           2
#> 4  2014-02-01           2
#> 5  2014-03-01           3
#> 6  2014-03-01           3
#> 7  2014-04-01           4
#> 8  2014-05-01           5

## With extra identifiers (merge claim date with time interval in portfolio)
claim_dates <- data.frame(claim_date = ymd("2014-01-01"),
car_type = c("BMW", "VOLVO"))

### Only rows are returned that can be matched
rows_per_date(portfolio, claim_dates, df_begin = begin1,
   df_end = end, dates_date = claim_date, car_type)
#>        begin1        end termination exposure premium car_type index_df
#> 1: 2014-01-01 2014-03-14  2014-03-14   0.2025     125      BMW        1
#>    claim_date index_dates
#> 1: 2014-01-01           1

### When row cannot be matched, NA is returned for that row
rows_per_date(portfolio, claim_dates, df_begin = begin1,
   df_end = end, dates_date = claim_date, car_type, nomatch = NA)
#>        begin1        end termination exposure premium car_type index_df
#> 1: 2014-01-01 2014-03-14  2014-03-14   0.2025     125      BMW        1
#> 2: 2014-01-01 2014-05-10  2014-05-10   0.3583     150    TESLA        2
#>    claim_date index_dates
#> 1: 2014-01-01           1
#> 2:       <NA>          NA