Apply smoothing on the risk factors used in the model.
must always be followed by update_glm()
degree = NULL,
breaks = NULL,
smoothing = "spline",
k = NULL,
weights = NULL
- model
object of class glm/smooth
- x_cut
column name with breaks/cut
- x_org
column name where x_cut is based on
- degree
order of polynomial
- breaks
numerical vector with new clusters for x
- smoothing
choose smoothing specification (all the shape constrained smooth terms (SCOP-splines) are constructed using the B-splines basis proposed by Eilers and Marx (1996) with a discrete penalty on the basis coefficients:
'spline' (default)
'mpi': monotone increasing SCOP-splines
'mpd': monotone decreasing SCOP-splines
'cx': convex SCOP-splines
'cv': concave SCOP-splines
'micx': increasing and convex SCOP-splines
'micv': increasing and concave SCOP-splines
'mdcx': decreasing and convex SCOP-splines
'mdcv': decreasing and concave SCOP-splines
'gam': spline based smooth (thin plate regression spline)
- k
number of basis functions be computed
- weights
weights used for smoothing, must be equal to the exposure (defaults to NULL)
Although smoothing could be applied either to the frequency or the severity model, it is more appropriate to impose the smoothing on the premium model. This can be achieved by calculating the pure premium for each record (i.e. expected number of claims times the expected claim amount), then fitting an "unrestricted" Gamma GLM to the pure premium, and then imposing the restrictions in a final "restricted" Gamma GLM.
See also
for refitting the smoothed model,
and autoplot.smooth()
Other update_glm:
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Fit GAM for claim frequency
age_policyholder_frequency <- fit_gam(data = MTPL,
nclaims = nclaims,
x = age_policyholder,
exposure = exposure)
# Determine clusters
clusters_freq <- construct_tariff_classes(age_policyholder_frequency)
# Add clusters to MTPL portfolio
dat <- MTPL |>
mutate(age_policyholder_freq_cat = clusters_freq$tariff_classes) |>
mutate(across(where(is.character), as.factor)) |>
mutate(across(where(is.factor), ~biggest_reference(., exposure)))
# Fit frequency and severity model
freq <- glm(nclaims ~ bm + age_policyholder_freq_cat, offset = log(exposure),
family = poisson(), data = dat)
sev <- glm(amount ~ bm + zip, weights = nclaims,
family = Gamma(link = "log"), data = dat |> filter(amount > 0))
# Add predictions for freq and sev to data, and calculate premium
premium_df <- dat |>
add_prediction(freq, sev) |>
mutate(premium = pred_nclaims_freq * pred_amount_sev)
# Fit unrestricted model
burn_unrestricted <- glm(premium ~ zip + bm + age_policyholder_freq_cat,
weights = exposure,
family = Gamma(link = "log"),
data = premium_df)
# Impose smoothing and create figure
burn_unrestricted |>
smooth_coef(x_cut = "age_policyholder_freq_cat",
x_org = "age_policyholder",
breaks = seq(18, 95, 5)) |>
# Impose smoothing and refit model
burn_restricted <- burn_unrestricted |>
smooth_coef(x_cut = "age_policyholder_freq_cat",
x_org = "age_policyholder",
breaks = seq(18, 95, 5)) |>
# Show new rating factors
} # }